Getting Results through Team Coaching

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In early 2007, Cityscapes Plant Care Inc. embarked on a team development program that was designed to improve each manager’s individual effectiveness and the company’s overall growth and sustainability.

Jan Goodman, President of Boston’s premier interior and exterior landscape design and service company, explains: “When I first started talking with Joan about my vision for the company, I knew I wanted to invest in a program that would impact not only our bottom line. I was looking to offer the team an opportunity to invest in themselves, both personally and professionally. I couldn’t be happier with my decision or the progress we are making.”

After listening carefully to Jan’s concerns and goals,  Joan applied her experience as an executive and organizational coach and suggested a program that would call forth each manager’s personal effectiveness as well as the team’s potential.  Based in part on research done by Team Coaching International, Joan worked with the team to assess the factors that affect both a team’s productivity and positivity.  Periodic follow up coaching gave the team opportunities to have the conversations that have been crucial for their continued success.

One of the components of the team development process requires that the managers study and apply the principles in Steven Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Jim Collins’ Good to Great to both the day to day operations and Cityscapes long range plan.  The reading and ‘homework’ assignments reinforced the learning  between sessions and acted as a powerful supplement to the live coaching sessions.

As early as the first week, team members started noticing an improvement in their relationships and ability to handle previously persistent concerns like negativity and lack of accountability.  There is a stronger sense of alignment around goals, clearer communication and increased camaraderie and Cityscapes is experiencing a 300% return on their investment. Jan adds: “The results have been remarkable. I’m recommending Joan and her work as executive and team coach to many of my colleagues and partner companies.”

Soda Creek Digital